
Michael Pittman Giving Page

Michael Pittman

Sophomore at USI


Favorite Verse: “For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly” Romans 5:6

My Testimony: I grew up as a missionary kid and my parents instilled the gospel in me at a young age, which I am very grateful for. However, I was a very legalistic kid growing up and I remember how good I felt about myself based on how good I was following the rules. When I was 12 years old I remember realizing that no matter how hard I followed the rules I would never be able to earn my way to heaven. I made a profession of faith and I think that is when I was saved. There have been ups and downs since then but, while I have been in college I have seen the most growth in my faith, through being involved in Westwood church and Campus Outreach.

Why I want to go to CCP: I am excited to grow in my faith and learn how to share the gospel better, by being put in hard situations that push me out of my comfort zone. I am also excited to travel and be in a beautiful country experiencing a different culture. I am excited to go on another trip with campus outreach because I love being involved in the ministry.

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Campus Outreach
PO Box 17100
Indianapolis, IN 46217

Checks made payable to Campus Outreach, memo line: {micheal’s CCP}