
Lauren Grumbacher Giving Page

Lauren Grumbacher

Senior at Purdue


Favorite Verse:

My Testimony: I thought I knew God growing up and going to church, but when I was struck by the gospel in middle school my life completely changed. I thought I had to work to achieve Gods love through action, good grades, etc, but I found that He loves me no matter what! Not only that, but I have found that through grief, loss, and sadness God is with me through it all. And because of that I will forever spend my life serving Him out of my thankfulness.

Why I want to go to CCP: I am looking forward to expanding my ministry skills in a new culture. I am excited to share the gospel with students in a new country and get to further the kingdom mission!

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Campus Outreach
PO Box 17100
Indianapolis, IN 46217

Checks made payable to Campus Outreach, memo line: {lauren’s CCP}