
Danny D'Acosta Giving Page

Danny D’Acosta

Junior at Purdue


Favorite Verse: “Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest” Matthew 9:37-38

My Testimony: I was raised in a Christian home and grew up attending church through childhood and junior high. In the early years of highschool I experienced tragedy and began to question the world and what I believed in, the later years of highschool and freshman year of college, I was not walking with the lord and had no desire to. At the end of my freshman year of college l, I realized that I needed to change and I finally realized that I could not do it myself. I knew some people who were attending Orlando project 2022 and I knew that I wanted to get involved in CO that following semester. I got involved with CO and ended up realizing that I knew of Jesus, but I did not know Jesus and after a few months of CO and D group and meeting with staff, I Committed my life to Christ in the winter of 2023 and then attended OP23 where I really grew and developed deep faith.

Why I want to go to CCP: I am very excited to have the chance to travel, as going to South Africa is a unique opportunity in itself. I am also am looking forward to the getting close to the team that is going as having a strong team will improve our mission when we all work together. most importantly, I am most excited for the opportunity to Evangelize on the college campus, I love the mission of college ministry and chance to get to do it in Cape Town is like no other, also seeing what the schedule on a person who is basically on staff is also a reason that I am looking for to experiencing. After OP23, having the chance to evangelize to a lost people group is one of the most exciting things I can do.

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Campus Outreach
PO Box 17100
Indianapolis, IN 46217

Checks made payable to Campus Outreach, memo line: {Danny’s CCP}